A new confirmation statement is due to replace the annual return from…
Call for businesses to bear more responsibility for online scams
Businesses have been urged to take greater responsibility in protecting customers from…
The enterprise bill becomes law
The enterprise bill received royal assent on 4 May 2016 and officially…
Changes to annual accounting regulations for businesses
A number of important changes to the way that small and medium-sized…
Apprenticeship levy could lead to businesses abandoning training
The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has called for a ‘radical rethink’…
Parents loan £5 billion to children each year
Parents looking to help their children purchase their first home will loan…
Rise of self-employed could result in retirement problems
Increasing self-employment could lead to long-term retirement problems in the future, the…
Daily penalties date for late tax returns approaching
Those who have yet to file their online tax return with HMRC…
Gifts and tax relief for Wedding season 2016
As wedding season gets closer, guests are being reminded by the Institute of…
Daily penalties date is approaching for late tax returns
It has been announced that those who have yet to file their…